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Alice McAnespie's review of Hogwarts Legacy

Date last edited: 06-01-2024 at 12:08AM

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Rating: Teen

Title: Hogwarts Legacy
Developer/Publisher: Developed by Avalanche Software; Published by Warner Bros. Games - Portkey Games
ESRB Rating: T (Teen)
My Rating: 5/5
Primary Audience: Adults
Year of Release: 2023
Platform: PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One

The First Media Key: Balance

The first media key, balance, is essential; for, “without balance, without a willingness to look at media from every possible angle, we can’t properly form right judgements” (Gan, pg. 40). Not only this, but the first media key also holds that, “by looking at the media from all angles, we’re able to make distinctions that might otherwise elude us” (Gan, pg. 42).

Hogwarts Legacy takes place “in the world first introduced in the Harry Potter books” (Hogwarts Legacy). Gameplay exists within a world of witchcraft and wizardry. At first glance, this could turn potential players away from the game - especially Catholics - for we do not believe in witchcraft and wizardry. However, in my opinion, the wizarding world that Hogwarts Legacy exists in does not promote the adoption of wizarding lifestyles; rather, it promotes overcoming what is evil for the sake of the good. Hogwarts is a school of witchcraft and wizardry, in a fantasy world. In no way does the game Hogwarts Legacy try to inspire others to turn to a life of witchcraft or wizardry, nor does it seek to push players to adopt magical ways outside of the game. However, in the game, magic is used to defeat evil.

The Second Media Key: Attitude Awareness

The second media key, attitude awareness, holds that “every advertiser, every producer, every writer, and every software designer has an agenda”, and every piece of media has “been created and designed to convey the point of view of the media-maker and to achieve the goal they set out for their creation” (Gan, pg. 60-61). This is important because “the Church tells us that if we’re not aware of the attitudes–the principles, character, and functions– underlying the media we consume, we run the risk of being less free, of being less capable of distinguishing right from wrong and choosing good from bad” (Gan, pg. 58).

The game states that, “Hogwarts Legacy does not have a morality system” (Hogwarts Legacy). However, the game allows the player to “battle against trolls, Dark Wizards, goblins, and more as you face a dangerous villain threatening the fate of the wizarding world” (Hogwarts Legacy). I think certain wording, such as “battle against” and “threatening”, reveals that the game portrays evil in its proper light: as evil.

The Third Media Key: The Dignity of the Human Person

Hogwarts Legacy recognizes the dignity of each human person, as players “can customize their character at the onset of their adventure”, and “as they progress, they’ll also be able to develop their own special combat style” (Hogwarts Legacy). Not only this, but “some students at Hogwarts will become friends”, and “as players grow these relationships, these schoolmates will become companions who can accompany players on their journey, expand their abilities and open up as players learn their stories” (Hogwarts Legacy). This, among other things, demonstrates that the person is at the foundation of the game; however, not just one type of person, but each unique person.

The Fourth Media Key: Truth-Filled

The fourth media key, truth-filled, holds that media should “conform to reality and help lead others to a deeper understanding of reality” (Gan, pg. 93). Not only this, but “just because fairies and orcs and elves don’t exist, doesn’t mean movies about fairies and orcs and elves can’t convey some deep truth about human existence” (Gan, pg. 96-97).

Hogwarts Legacy, although set in a fantasy world, mirrors the reality we as humans exist in. For example, “Hogwarts Legacy does not have a morality system, but players will encounter various quests and storylines that will influence the witch or wizard they choose to become” (Hogwarts Legacy). Just as in the world we live in, we are faced with many obstacles and unique experiences, but the choices we consistently choose to make in response to those situations defines who we are and what we believe in (whether good or bad). We are able to choose to stand up for what is good, or to choose to side with what is evil.

The Fifth Media Key: Inspiring

In Hogwarts Legacy, good is portrayed as good, and evil is portrayed as evil. Throughout the game, “players will also encounter quests and scenarios that will pose difficult choices and determine what they stand for” (Hogwarts Legacy). If my knowledge is correct, this game shows what is good, but allows players to choose what they support. This is a similar model to what we, as humans, experience in reality. We have free will; but, we must have the courage to stand for what is good.

The Sixth Media Key: Skillfully Developed

Hogwarts Legacy is skillfully developed, as “J.K. Rowling was not involved in the creation of the game”, but “her extraordinary body of writing is the foundation of all projects in the Wizarding World”, and “this is not a new story from J.K. Rowling, however, we have collaborated closely with her team on all aspects of the game to ensure it remains in line with the magical experience fans expect” (Hogwarts Legacy). The game is not only skillfully developed, but skillfully inserted into a fantasy world that so many people love.

The Seventh Media Key: Motivated by and Relevant to Experience

How many people know and love “Harry Potter”. So many! I have heard countless people express their love for the series. Many people have grown up with the “Harry Potter” series, and hold it dear to their heart. Hogwarts Legacy allows fans to explore a world they already know and love, but in a new way. This game builds off of the experiences of many that originated with the “Harry Potter” series.

A Hogwarts Legacy review is beneficial, as it provides clarity on a game based in a controversial world. This review allows a reader to look beyond the surface of the game, and see what good can lie within it.

Resource (aside from Dr. Gan’s book):
Hogwarts Legacy - Home
Hogwarts Legacy - Frequently Asked Questions

Seven Keys:
Skillfully Made:

Overall Rating: 35/35

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