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Ev Kohler's review of Minecraft

Date last edited: 12-06-2024 at 05:59PM

Rating: Everyone 10+

Title: Minecraft
Developer: Mojang Studios
Genre: Survival game
ESRB rating: E10+
My Rating: 4.5
Primary Audience
Year of Release: 2009
Platform: All

Minecraft is true to its name, a game based in mining and crafting in block form. This is a game with two modes of both creative and survival. A game loved by all kinds of people of all ages. You are able to traverse in many different types of landscapes and the nether, which is akin to that of the upside down from Stranger things. There are many different ways to play, making it a diverse game fun for anyone. It is also fun as there is the ability to play with friends. Overall it is a game that promotes creativity and exploring.

First Media Key: Balance
There is balance in a few different ways. There are various modes that can be played first, the most distinctive is that of it having a survival and creative mode. The creative mode you have access to all the various blocks, it is almost a “god mode”. While surviving it is just that you are dropped into the world in a random spot with nothing and you have to go seek out all the supplies that you want and need to survive. In survival however there are also even more modes peaceful, easy, normal, and hard. This determines how hard it will be to play in survival mode. Overall it allows balance in the sense that you are able to know what mode is best suited to you in knowledge of how you would prefer the game. There is a balance of being able to have creative freedom but also follow the structure of beating the game, which is when the Ender Dragon gets defeated.

Second Media Key: Attitude Awareness
The attitude of this game is ultimately freedom. The ability to build whatever you want. Having an open world to let yourself be creative and play however you want. There is no story mode, only what you choose that you want to do. Being able to build or explore or fight different mobs. Being creative and literally being able to create so many different types of things, from villages to castles having creative control over what you choose to do.
There is the obvious good vs. evil. There are evil “mobs” that are different creatures that are trying to kill you if you are in survival. Some of those include zombies, a dragon, skeletons, and most notability in my opinion are the witches. This is interesting to me as the video game has not seemingly gotten much backlash from witches being a bad guy, especially with the modern climate of witchcraft being normalised.

The Third Media Key: Dignity of the Human Person

While there are various harmful creatures there is little to no gore in itself. There is no blood or super violet weapons. It is almost like you are a knight without the gore. There are swords, bows, and crossbows as the main weapons. While it is not maybe the most realistic I feel like this was a smart decision for the developers as it makes the game less violent and scary, opening up the age demographic more. Especially with how bad very gory games are for your mind.

The Fourth Media Key: Truth Filled

Minecraft has some of the basics of truth, such as if you fall from a high place you have damage, if you don't swim you drown, if you don’t eat you will die. The better tools you have the faster you will be able to do your work. There are also the fantastical aspects of the game that are clearly not true. Such as the “mobs” or bad guys that were mentioned earlier while there are people in the world who make very immoral decisions that are very different to the types of creatures in this game.

Fifth Media Key: Inspiring

In Minecraft you are dropped into the middle of nowhere with nothing. It is almost a simulation of creating your own individual village, kingdom, etc. It encourages creativity that can be brought over into everyday life. It is crucial like any other video game to be cautious of how much time is being spent playing. Since it mirrors in a way real life it can be easy to be absorbed into the world and forget the responsibilities that one has outside of the game.
It is a game that can be played by so many different ages and can connect those gaps. With older and younger siblings, and parents and children. It bridges gaps that can lead to real conversations and connections that can be difficult to foster. This is not a permanent solution but can be a great aid in connection if used wisely.

Sixth Media Key: Skillfully Developed

Since its initial debut in 2009 many differences have changed in its continuous development. Just a few days ago the newest update was launched with even more additions, with constant new additions being made, this helps it be continuously entertaining to those who have been playing for a long time. This update also included fixes. Not only that but the graphics are continually better and improving.
Thanks to the constant updates so many new things have been added making the list of things being able to be created more extensive. Also adding things that could cater to a more varied audience, such as the introduction of cherry trees and bees.

Seventh Media Key: Motivated by and Relevant to Experience

Minecraft is able to help fulfill a sense of adventure that is unable to be fulfilled in real life. It is almost as if you get to be in a movie like a plot line. Of course it is vital that the game is played with temperance and not to become a distraction to real life. But it helps fulfill a creative part of human desire. Especially with it being a multiplayer game and online play with people who are far away from you. There is a reason why Minecraft is so popular with hundreds of millions of downloads. The game has no true plot line and you have complete freedom. Meaning it also never truly ends.


In conclusion as previously stated this game is a great game for self expression, creativity, and playing with others. With any other game as well it is important to be aware how much you become invested in the game. It is just that, a game. It is important to remember it is such. But with that aside I think that it is a good game especially compared to all of the other games on the market.

Seven Keys:
Skillfully Made:

Overall Rating: 27/35

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