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Nicholas Carpentier 's review of Pokémon Black Version

Date last edited: 12-06-2024 at 08:11PM

Rating: Everyone

Title: Pokémon Black Version
Developer: Gamefreak, Creatures inc.
Composer: Shota Kageyama
Genre: Role-playing video game
ESRB: E for "Comic Mischief, Mild Cartoon Violence"
Your Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Primary Audience: Children 5 - 12 (but is enjoyed by all ages)
Year of Release: 2010
Platform: Nintendo DS

Pokémon has been a staple in the homes of many families, appealing to children and adults ever since its initial release in 1996. Pokémon Black Version was released in 2010 as the 5th generation of Pokémon games to be released alongside its counterpart Pokémon White Version. It follows the young protagonist who receives his or her first pokémon (an animal-like creature with a special type and powers), and embarks on a journey throughout the region, catching pokémon, making friends, uncovering secrets, and battling against the antagonist organization Team Plasma. Pokémon has been a huge part of my life for fifteen years, starting when I was just seven years-old. It has been there throughout the most significant parts of my life and I couldn’t imagine life without it.

The Seven Media Keys
The First Media Key: Balance
When it comes to the media, “we can’t approach it simplistically . . . we have to be willing to look at more than one viewpoint so that truth can emerge” (Gan, 23). We ought not to mindlessly engage with the media as if it were something that doesn’t warrant much attention. We must “take into consideration the entire situation or circumstances, namely, the persons, place, time and other conditions under which communication takes place and which can affect or totally change its propriety” (Inter Mirifica 4). Pokémon Black is rated E for everyone and is generally meant for a younger audience. When you look at every aspect of the game, it simply is what it claims to be. A story of a kid who embarks on a journey with his or her pokémon and explores what the wide world has to offer. There is no evil that is presented, (except the evil that you must prevent), and it reaches positively into many aspects of the human experience. Growing up, the whole series, but this game in particular as well, had a huge impact on me and did not sway me in any particular way. It was a healthy and balanced game to interact with.

The Second Media Key: Attitude Awareness
“What we see affects us. The images we look at and the conditions under which we look at them stay with us” (Gan, 37). The media is always trying to get something across. There's always a message being presented and no matter how much we think we are unaffected, we are. If the attitude of the media we are consuming is understood, there will come a balance in the way we understand what we are consuming. “The means of communication genuinely enrich men’s minds if their character and function is understood. On the other hand, men who do not sufficiently appreciate their importance, may find their liberty diminished” (Communio et Progressio 64). If we are not careful with what we are consuming, we could be led down the wrong path. There must be an understanding on the part of the consumer when it comes to the media that they are interacting with. Pokémon Black’s attitude is that of adventure, friendship, and triumph of goodness over evil. The whole point of the game is to go out and to explore, but you also do this with your best friends within the world, who push you and walk with you throughout the entirety of the story. There comes a point where the protagonist comes into contact with the organization Team Plasma, led by a man named Ghetsis, whose goal is to liberate pokémon and take over the world. These are the deeper themes that the game touches upon and shapes its simple attitude towards its audience. Pokémon has stayed with me throughout all of these years, and it has been a clean and fun game that I always go back to.

The Third Media Key: The Dignity of the Human Person
The media should “bring people together. It should promote understanding of the human person and human communities” (Gan, 52). The dignity of the human person should shine forth through that which we consume within the media. Through media done well, it should help all of humanity embrace love more fully, as the document Ethics in Internet states, “the internet and other media of social communication can be ‘a privileged means for building the civilization of love” (EI 9). Pokémon Black is littered with the dignity of the human person, and this can be seen through the main character helping people throughout the game. You help one of your friends get her pokémon back, you help a guy get out of some trouble with the bad guys, and you also help one of the bad guys see the error of his ways. It also shows a unique community within the world. Everyone is open to talking to you and you can enter into any building without fear. Sure, maybe that's not realistic, but it shows a wonderful community within the life of the game.

The Fourth Media Key: Truth-Filled
“Every communication must comply with certain essential requirements and these are sincerity, honesty and truthfulness” (Communio et Progressio 17). Any form of media should seek to take a dive into the truth, for it is what grounds us as humans and what the Lord has given us to pursue. “When we use media, when we enter online communities and virtual worlds, we mustn’t leave the truth behind” (Gan, 68). If the truth were left behind when we enter into the media, how is it supposed to have any positive impact on our lives? Pokémon Black does not really take a deep dive into what the truth is, but despite there being animals with strong and sometimes even strange powers, it still speaks to the truth of humanity. There's one particular aspect I’m reminded of in the story. The main character (the player) spends some time with one of the members of the antagonist organization who has been brainwashed from his childhood. He believes that what the organization is fighting for is right and throughout the course of the story asks questions and enters into deep reflection with you. In the end, through his inner and outer quest, he comes to a new understanding and realizes the lie that he’s been living and the truth that is before him.

The Fifth Media Key: Inspiring
The media ought to be inspiring. It ought to push us to lead better lives and to keep fighting the good fight. When it comes to the media, we must find the answer to one question: “Is it helping us to be true to our ‘transcendent destiny’? In other words, is it helping us get to heaven? Is it a sign, pointing the way to God?” (Gan, 84). Not that the media needs to mention God explicitly, but does it imply a deeper reality to be investigated? Does it lead the consumer to make better decisions? Does it draw the person to take a step in a new direction, fueled by this very inspiration? Pokémon Black is by no means the pinnacle of inspiration, but it definitely does not lack inspiring aspects. I believe that the whole game and the story inspires you to go out on your own adventure. It inspires you to be friendly and to help others. At the beginning of the game, your own mother encourages you to get out there and to go beyond your hometown, to experience the world and all that it has for you. Now, if you get stuck within the made up world of the game and don’t go out there, that’s on the player, but if you take the simple joy and love of adventure into reality, I’m sure it will do wonders.

The Sixth Media Key: Skillfully Developed
“Whoever wants to see the media take their allotted place in the history of Creation . . . must have a full and proper understanding of man” (Comminio et Progressio 15). In order to make art and media compelling, it must reach the audience in a strong way, and that must be shown through how skillfully it is developed. Being skillfully developed is “a necessary ingredient for good media” (Gan, 100). You can’t just have an idea and send it out. It must be carefully crafted in order to appeal to those you wish to reach. Pokémon Black is a phenomenal game, but it was released back in 2010. It was a 2D game back then and was on 16-bit graphics. The Pokémon series has evolved a lot since that time, but at its time, it was a huge leap for a Pokémon game. The pokémon now moved in battle, (which they rarely ever did before), and there were other new mechanics added as well. The soundtrack for the game is also a very memorable one, and also remains my favorite up until this day. Although it might not be seen as skillful now, it was definitely a new step for the development of the Pokémon franchise back then.

The Seventh Media Key: Motivated and Relevant to Experience
If the media was not relevant to our experience, how could it be anything of real substance? How could it be truth-filled, display the dignity of the person, or be inspiring if it lacked a connection to the experience of each human being? “Media should take its cue from Christ and be rooted in the realities of the world we live in . . . It should reflect our experience of the human condition” (Gan, 116). In Pokémon Black, we see all the familiar aspects of reality within this created world. Obviously the animals are a tad different, but everything else is very much the same. It shows us family, friends, fighting evil and promoting good, being kind and friendly, and ultimately showing the call to adventure. I’m not saying one should base their lives around Pokémon or look to it as the perfect model for their life, but I can say that in my own life, it has brought comfort and fun through the different stages of my life and it's always been reliable and grounding. It has remained relevant to my life because it has remained a stable part of my life for over fifteen years.

I never thought I’d be taking a deep dive into one of my favorite childhood games like this, but it really has brought good memories back and a newfound respect and appreciation for the franchise and this game in particular. Pokémon Black, and the Pokémon series as a whole, is such an enjoyable game series and I think it deserved its proper place as one of the most popular and notable franchises. It speaks to all ages and I’m sure it will remain stable in the lives of many for years to come. Pokémon Black is a well balanced game with many good themes touched upon. It demonstrates a reach into each of the seven media keys in a positive way, and I’m certain that it had a good impact on those who played it growing up. Now, I don’t think it would have the same effect today, as Pokémon games, and video games in general, have become more refined and advanced, but I think among the adults now who look back and played it, they would appreciate it. I give Pokémon Black a rating of five stars out of five. This game holds a very special place in my heart, and I see myself playing all of the games for many years to come.

Seven Keys:
Skillfully Made:

Overall Rating: 7/35

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