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Michaela Casey's review of Kirby's Return to Dream Land

Date last edited: 12-06-2024 at 11:57PM

Rating: Everyone 10+

App: Kirby’s Return to Dream Land
Developers: HAL Laboratory
Genre: Platform game, Fighting game, Shooter game
ESRB Rating: 10+
Rating: 5 Stars
Primary audience:
Year of Release: 2011
Platform: Wii, Wii U

I am not a big video game player, so the little experience I have is from when I was younger and would play the Wii. Kirby’s Return to Dream Land was always my favorite game and continued to draw me in. The intriguing stories told throughout, as well as the challenging levels were some of the things that made this game so fun. Although you could play it solo, it was always more fun with a few friends, really making it a great and inviting game.
The First Media Key: Balance – The first media key discusses the importance of there being balance within the media as well as your personal balance with it in your life. One thing that Kirby has in its favor in this way is that it is a stationary video game, as opposed to a mobile one that can be played on your phone. In this way, it already gives you a better opportunity to play it in moderation. Although like any video game, it is meant to suck you in – the games are designed to be addictive as Dr. Gan stated in his book. Kirby is no outlier in this design, which is why I believe there are honestly no video games that can perfectly met this media key. However, when trying to met this key it is important to keep in mind the virtue of temperance as it “moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods.” Even though we are meant to get sucked into the game, it is important to stay grounded, put it in perspective, and have the balance in your life for the things that are truly important.
The Second Media Key: Attitude Awareness – The next media key discusses the importance of being aware of your attitude towards the game you are playing, as well as how it is affecting your attitude towards those around you. I believe Kirby to truly have an edge on most other video games in this way. Most games now days are filled with violence and destruction – making that the end goal of the game. There have been studies done to show how this can alter people’s sense of reality and desensitize them to things of this nature. Because Kirby is a cartoon game, and has no violence throughout, it has an advantage against other games in that it will not be a negative influence in that way. When discussing this key, it is important to keep in mind the virtue of prudence. Dr. Gan discusses in his book “the virtue of prudence disposes practical reason to discern our true good in every circumstance and to choose the right means of achieving it.” Through this it is important to take into consideration how the media will truly be affecting us, and if it will be a positive or negative influence on our attitude.
The Third Media Key: The dignity of the human person – This next media key is the most important as it is the basis for all the others. It discusses the gravity in realizing and respecting the dignity that each human person has, due to them being created in the image and likeness of God. This media key aligns with the virtue of justice, which deals with giving everyone, as well as God, their due. One way that Kirby does this, as I previously discusses, is that it is not a violent game. Through this it allows people to not desensitize themselves through that violence and therefore not look at other actual people the same. The game also is best when played with friends, however due to the set up of the game you cannot play with people online but only those right in the room with you. This is another aspect of video games where people can easily forget that it is another human with the same value as you on the other end of the line. Because of this design in the game Kirby, it allows you to recognize the person sitting right next to you as one with value, as well as enjoy a bounding and fun experience together.
The Fourth Media Key: Truth-filled – This next media key discusses the importance of the media you are partaking in to be filled with truth. It is in our human nature to be impressionable, and absorb the behavior and the knowledge of those around us. Because of this, it is important to keep in mind the virtue of fortitude which is “to ensure firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good.” Although Kirby is based in a fantasy world, like most video games, it is also a cartoon which places it on another level of distance from reality. Because of this there is not much impression that someone could get from it to based on their reality. Because the game is for kids it is all that much more evident that it needs to be filled with truth. One thing that I have found in recent media that can be confusing for children, especially those striving to live out a Catholic life, is the blur between good and evil. This is often added to media in a subtle way that I think can be very confusing for children. In the game Kirby, however, they clearly distinguish between good and evil and why they are defined in those roles. Although it may seemed dumbed down, for a child those thing really do matter.
The Fifth Media Key: Inspiring – The next media key discusses the importance of the media you are playing to be inspiring. Through this meaning that it can be a good example as well as a beacon of light. Hope is an important virtue for this media key, because that is the virtue that will get us from day to day in a positive manner. Life is short, and we must make the most of the time we have, and it is through hope that we can realize that God has a plan for us. The best way to gain hope is to always look on the bright side and fill your day with positivity. The things we take part in throughout our day can have an impact on this, as they can be inspiring to us. Kirby is a game that can bring joy through the interactive and entertaining levels. It also can be a good source of spending time with family or friends as you play together – and nothing can bring more joy and hope then spending time with those that you love.
The Sixth Media Key: Skillfully developed – This next media key discuses the importance of the media on the table to be developed in a skillful manner, as to draw people in and leave them with a positive experience. Kirby was very skillfully developed, which is evidence through their success. To start their soundtrack is wonderful and very peaceful. Also, the visuals and graphics throughout the entire game were very skillfully made and really draw you in and give this great sense of transforming into this fantasy land. In addition, the level design is top tier providing a challenging and interactive experience.
The Seventh Media Key: Motivated by and relevant to experience – This last media key discusses the importance of the media you take in to be motivated by and relevant to your personal experience. The virtue of charity is one to keep in mind with this media key, as it relays the importance of love of God and everyone around us. Through this we can relate and empathize with others’ struggles and foster environments of love. The game Kirby I think lacks in this way because it is so based on fantasy, therefore not leaving much room for relatability.
In conclusion the game Kirby’s return to Dream Land is a great family friendly game that definitely meets most of the seven media keys. The game has great potential to be used for good and inspiring to the young people who play.

Seven Keys:
Skillfully Made:

Overall Rating: 7/35

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